
Adalton, Senhor do Barro

First Edition, 2009
Centro Nacional de Folclore e Cultura Popular, Rio de Janeiro /
Museu Casa do Pontal, Rio de Janeiro
64 pages

The Centro Nacional de Folclore e Cultura Popular/ IPHAN e Museu Casa do Pontal combine to honor one of the great folk artists to emerge in the 1970s: Adalton Fernandes Lopes (1938-2005). Recognized by collectors and researchers and admired by all who are interested in Brazilian folk art and culture, Adalton's work is featured in the permanent collections of these institutions. The catalog also includes the works kindly lent by the Divisão de Folclore/INEPAC by the artist's family and his friends Amélia Zaluar, Delzimar Coutinho e Cáscia Frade. The catalog presents the artist and his work through critical texts, in which the historical aspects are emphasized.