Fortaleza - CE

Fortaleza, covering a territorial area of 315 km² and with an estimated population of 2,476,589 (IBGE, CNM, 2011), is the capital with highest demographic density in Brazil. It is also the most populous municipality in the State of Ceará and fifth in Brazil. It 34km of beaches makes it one of the most tourist-visited cities in the country and has an important commercial and industrial centre. Its history begins with the first Portuguese colonizers in the 17th century. The name comes from the forts built in that region during this first century of colonisation, in which there were disputes between the Portuguese and Dutch for control of the territory. The Fort of Our Lady of Assumption was constructed on the site of a fort in ruins built by the Dutch, and later became a historical monument. In 1725 it was promoted to the category of municipality with the name Fortaleza (IBGE, 2011). The coast of Ceará carries with it not only the history of disputes for control of the territory or many tourist attractions, but also the life and work of Brazilian folk artists. Among them are Edgar Andrade de Freitas, born in 1950 in Praia de Majorlandia, municipality of Aracati.  Due to his technical mastery, the realism achieved by his figures and variety of colours used, the artist’s bottles are outstanding and famous at home and abroad (Baía, 2010; Mascelani, 2006). Fortaleza also discovered Pedro, known by his nickname Boka Rica, born in 1936 in Araçuiaba (CE). He was an innovator and used horsehair for the hair of his dolls created for mamulengo puppet shows (Frota, 2005). Boka Rica produced an incredible number of puppets that, in the opinion of Frota (2005), was as good as any puppet [puppazzi] produced in Italy. The Casa do Pontal Museum houses a rare collection of the artist who died in 1991 in the city of Fortaleza. 

  • Casarão entre o mar e a serra
  • Cavalo na fazenda
  • Crepúsculo na praia