Juazeiro do Norte - CE

Juazeiro do Norte, in the region of Cariri in Ceará State, has approximately 242,139 inhabitants (IBGE, 2007) and is around 397km from Fortaleza. Famous for its popular devotion, the history of Juazeiro is closely linked to artisan production, pilgrimages and the biography of Father Cicero. Oral history tells how Father Cicero would advise would-be settlers in Juazeiro to take up artisan activities. Perhaps that explains the wide variety of handicraft, ranging from work with basketry, wood and ceramics to leather and tinplate objects. Juazeiro do Norte is a large workshop and for those who visit the town, it is worth visiting the Master Noza Folk Culture Centre, right in the town centre, where many different kinds, sizes and materials of handicraft items can be found by local artists and from other places in Cariri.

  • Máscara
  • Máscara com três rostos
  • Passista
  • Piquenique
  • Placa
  • Porta bandeira
  • Presépio
  • Reisado
  • Costurando
  • Rendeira
  • Sapo
  • Entalhe de um casamento
  • Escultura rosa encimada por pássaro
  • Forró
  • Girafa com homem no pescoço
  • Máscara
