Nova Iguaçu - RJ

Nova Iguaçu is located in the region called Baixada Fluminense, with a population estimated at 799,047 and is the fourth most populated municipality in the State. It is around 30km from the state capital and is part of the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro (IBGE, CNM, 2011). The town is an important commercial and service centre for the State, attracting mostly dwellers from the surrounding municipalities. The history of Nova Iguaçu is linked to a settlement near the Iguaçu River. The original inhabitants were Jacutinga Amerindians, but with the division of Brazilian territory into hereditary land grants or captaincies, the region was occupied by the colonisers after 1566. The rivers were not only important for agriculture in the region but were also channels of communication with the city of Rio de Janeiro, where the produce was sent. In 1833 it was promoted to category of a town called Iguaçu, which in the Tupi Guarani language means “big water”; in 1891 was again promoted to a city and in 1916 as the municipal capital was renamed Nova Iguaçu. With the easy distribution of produce due to the new railways built through the municipality and the change from the river to the railway, Nova Iguaçu became industrialized and now played a leading commercial role in the Baixada Fluminense (IBGE, 2011). The multi-faceted city was an inspiration for the sculptures of Dadinho, registered at birth as Geraldo Marçal dos Reis. The artist was born in 1931 in Diamantina, Minas Gerais State and when still a child moved with his family to Nova Iguaçu. Until he was 15 years old he worked with his father, a carpenter by trade, and from him learned cabinetmaking. He discovered his talent for carving by chance when 12 years old, awaiting the start of a football match. In 1972 he began his artistic career, which gained impulse in 1977. He began carving urban landscapes on roots and trunks of trees. His “impressive tentacular cities” are on display in some Brazilian museums. Dadinho died in 2006.

  • Cidade tentacular