Recife/Olinda - PE

“Two cities in one”: this was how Gilberto Freyre defined the cities of Recife and Olinda. The latter, the oldest, was founded in 1537, and the former newer, in 1709. Both are important historical and cultural heritage sites. Today, the city of Recife has around 1,533,580 inhabitants while Olinda has 391,433 (IBGE, 2007). Historically, Olinda changed its role as an administrative centre of Pernambuco to a dormitory town for Recife as the latter achieved greater commercial and industrial development. Two of the many artists in these cities with work worth mentioning are José Alves da Silva, known as Bigode, and Nhô Caboclo. Bigode concentrated his production on sacred sculptures, varying in height from 60cm to one metre. He carves saints in different positions or gestures, always seeking to preserve their uniqueness. Nhô Caboclo, on the other hand, works with fusion aesthetics that combines elements from the African and Brazilian Indian traditions.

  • O morto carregando o vivo
  • Pigmeu
  • Casa de farinha
  • Chegada do cangaço
  • Entalhe do boi da cara preta
  • Enterro na rede
  • Figura de mamulengo
  • Mané das batata
  • Mané Pikinino
  • Navio negreiro com plumas
