Tracunhaém - PE

The small town of Tracunhaém, with a population of around 12,734 lies in the Zona da Mata of Pernambuco, approximately 48km from Recife (IBGE, 2007). With artists’ different styles in the town it has a special production of sacred images, animals and everyday scenes in wood or ceramics. Many of the Tracunhaém artists are children or grandchildren of potters. They very often were still children when they learned to model the clay, beginning to produce figurative ceramics that later would become a benchmark for both the town and Brazilian folk art. Tracunhaém production has a style of its own, guaranteeing the aesthetic recognition of the local figures. One of the many artists from the town worth mentioning is artisan Lidia Vieira, who died in 1974 when she was 73 years old. She was the one who attracted attention to the local figurative art with her figures of lace-makers, flour mills, weddings and saints. Other outstanding artists today are Maria Amelia and Zezinho.

  • Escritora
  • Maria com véu comprido
  • Mulher rezando
  • Nossa Senhora da Conceição
  • Presépio
  • Recebendo santo
  • São Francisco
